Earth Day, Everyday at Gneiss Spice

A set of glass spice jars with their lids off, filled with various spices

Values that drive Gneiss Spice.

  • SIMPLICITY: The simple solution is practical and efficient. 

  • PERSONALIZATION: A personalized product reduces excess waste.

  • RESPONSIBILITY: We are responsible for the materials we buy and sell.

  • SUSTAINABILITY: We can grow sustainably without harming people or the planet. 

  • EDUCATION: We'll teach you how to best use and enjoy your spices.

Build your customized set.

Unlike traditional spice racks that have a specific # of jars or a standard spice kits that include spices you don't use, the Gneiss Spice system is personalized to you. You can have has few or as many jars as needed, selecting only the spices you will use.

A person empties a plastic pouch labeled 'Caramom' into a glass spice jar by Gneiss Spice

Refill indefinitely with no waste.

At Gneiss Spice, we celebrate Earth Day, everyday. Our glass spice jar system is meant to be refilled indefinitely. Bring jars to the bulk spice aisle of your local grocery store, or refill online with our sustainable packaging. In the past 12 months, Gneiss Spice has prevented over 145,000 disposable spice containers from entering the waste stream.  

Packaging made from plants, not plastic.

Refill packaging is safe for home composting and perfect for your zero-waste kitchen. Can't compost? Request recyclable paper packaging in notes at checkout. Refills are packed to order, ensuring the freshest spices available. Refill packaging is not meant for long-term storage; transfer spices into an airtight container. 

Shop Spices A-Z

Five small wooden spoons, each mounded over with spices, on a white granite counter

Shop Seasoning Blends

A person holding a plastic pouch labaled 'Pasta' pours a dried mixture of green spices into a glass jar

Discount Refill 10-Pack

A collection of plastic refill pouches labeled with different certified organic seasonings